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Name: air sea co2 flux
Description: The exchange of CO2 over the air-sea interface.The air-sea CO2 flux is a key inter-reservoir exchange within the global carbon cycle.The local air-sea CO2 flux can be estimated from measurements of the partial pressure difference across the air-sea interface, assuming that gas exchange is well understood.The CO2 flux across the air-sea interface is calculated by the following widely used onedimensionalstagnant thin-film model [7]:CO2 Flux = kβ(pCO2w – pCO2a).where k is the gas transfer velocity; β (Bunsen coefficient) is the solubility of CO2 at giventemperature and salinity [8]. pCO2w and pCO2a represent the partial pressure of CO2 in surfacewater and overlaying air, respectively. Most of uncertainty in this calculation results fromestimation of gas transfer velocity (k), which is empirically derived from sea surface wind speed.Two sets of most frequently used “k vs. wind speed” relationships are those of Wanninkhof [9]and Liss and Merlivat [10].Carbon dioxide
Type: Noun
Term is: Variable
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