Scream Corner

Town Square
Scream Corner

About the Scream Space

Note that the Scream Space is in the conceptual Design Phase. It will have the functionallity described below when it is fully established.

There is an urgent need to have a channel to broadcast information about events that are amplifying the planetary emergency and negatively impacting the development of a global citizen movement aiming to tackle this emergency. Screams in the Place4Us Scream Space will be heard platform-wide. The Scream Space on Place4Us Town Square provides the means to articulate a powerful Scream about issues related to the planetary emergency, injustices, atrocities, ecocides and other events that require immediate attention by many and to make this Scream heard platform-wide and beyond.

The Scream Space ensures that screams are heard throughout the whole of Place4Us. Groups of VCCs or ad hoc groups of Place4Us participants who need to scream have to submit a brief proposal to the Scream Committee, which will more or less instantaneously evaluate the proposal and make a decision asap. Once a proposal has been accepted the authority and responsibility for the scream is with the proposing lead VCC or the proposing lead participant(s).